streda 1. júna 2005

Frink - Biblical References

So you want to build an ark, do you? And not an Ark of the Covenant, but the boat. How bad was that flood?

The bible is also quite precise in its measurement of the flood. Genesis 7:19-20 (New International Version, King James Version, Slovenský evanjelický preklad, Slovenský katolícky preklad) states that 'And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the mountains, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.'

Okay, so the highest mountains of the earth were covered, plus an extra 15 cubits (approx 27 feet) for good measure. The current measurements for highest mountain is Mt. Everest at 29030.8 feet (according to the highly dubious and utterly non-trustable 2002 Guinness Book of World Records.) I know that Everest is growing slowly, (best estimates are 2.4 inches/year) so we'll discount for that.

depth = 29030 feet 15 biblicalcubits - (2.4 inches/year 4000 years)

About 28257 feet of water. This was deposited over 40 days. The rainfall was thus:

rainfall = depth / (40 days)

Or about 353 inches/hour, or 29 feet/hour. A good rain around here is about an inch an hour. The very rainiest places on earth like Cherrapunji get about this much rain in a year.

[Frink | New International Version | King James Version | Slovenský evanjelický preklad | Slovenský katolícky preklad]

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