utorok 24. februára 2004

Pixyho vypocet uroku

Dnes su bloggerske vianoce! Dalsia perla sa vola Vypocet urokov, splatok a uspor. Super vec, ktora je cela napisana v javascripte takze sa da zobrat domov na offline masinku. Dalsia dobra stranka tohto kalkulatoru je ze su tam realne a zrozumitelne priklady. Vdaka, Pixy!

Welcome to There.com!

Dnes je nejaky plodny blog-den. Americka armada spolu s firmou There, Inc. pracuje na globalnej simulacii sveta (Zatial maju vraj simulaciu Kuwait City). Urcene to ma byt na trenovanie logistiky, zvladania davu, simulaciu zachrannych operacii, napadnutia biozbranami a vsakovake ine socialne experimenty potencialne vyvolavajuce paniku.
Geodata maju z relaneho sveta, len som zvedavy ako riesia logiku botov, resp. odkial maju socialny model na bezne a stresove situacie.
There ma aj svoju simulaciu sveta, je to dostupne na There stranke. QuickTime videa su celkom pekne ale este som ten soft netahal.
Asi sa Gibson a Stephenson potesia ked to bude behat...


Dnes som nasiel super duper online vykladovy slovnik - HyperDictionary.com. Promptne som spravil aj dict search booklet na hladanie na tomto serveri.

pondelok 23. februára 2004

Make A Shorter Link

Nasiel som cool service na postovanie dlhokanskych liniek chatom / mailom / proste hocicim, co rozlame linky, skrati ich alebo ich proste nejako poskodi. Samozrejme ze Make A Shorter Link je free servis a ako pisu na about stranke - linky budu ulozene kym ich to neprestane bavit financovat. Maju aj booklet, len dufam ze to blogger prezije...

pondelok 9. februára 2004


A priest and an Australian shepherd met each other in the final of a quiz show. After answering all the normal questions, they were neck-and-neck with the same number of points and the quizmaster had to set a deciding question. The question was, to compose a rhyme in 5 minutes including the word "Timbuktu".

After 5 minutes, the priest presented his poem:
I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu...

The audience was thrilled and celebrated the churchman as the certain winner. However, the Aussi stepped forward and recited:

When Tim and I to Brisbane went,
we met three ladies cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
so I booked one and Tim booked two...

PiskoFtak spider optimalisation

Richo optimalizuje stranku z hladiska search spiders, poslal som mu par napadov (pouzitych v arts-auction a na kino.sk) ako na to, dufam to pomoze.


Dnes rano som znova (po cca 1/2 roku) nasiel zaujimavu vizualizaciu mandelbrotovej mnoziny. Cele je to hodene do pseudo 3D a vola sa to Buddhabrot. Technika vzniku je popisana na stranke Melindy Green a dalsie hologramoidne vizualizacie su tu a tu a tu. Pekne, ze?
p.s.: myslim ze priemedne zdatny mystifikator by na tom bol schopny zalozit nejake techno-numerologicke nabozenstvo a-la scientology (a jej vysvetlenie).