Svetlu trvá 10-42s kým vo vákuu prejde vzdialenosť rovnajúcu sa priemeru prótonu. A samozrejme, 42 je zmysel života, vesmíru a vôbec (Douglas Adams, Stopárov sprievodca po galaxii)
Keď sa dvaja chcú porozprávať alebo zachatovať, treba aby boli aspoň v približne rovnakom časovom pásme. Medzi Bratislavou a Vancouverom nie je veľa možností...
Negotiate for some additions to your event, if possible. Ask if the facility will give you a complimentary guest or hospitality room based on the total number of rooms you book. Some facilities will negotiate their listed prices if you book during a particular time or on special days of the week.
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Negotiate for some additions to your event, if possible. Ask if the facility will give you a complimentary guest or hospitality room based on the total number of rooms you book. Some facilities will negotiate their listed prices if you book during a particular time or on special days of the week.
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