Svetlu trvá 10-42s kým vo vákuu prejde vzdialenosť rovnajúcu sa priemeru prótonu. A samozrejme, 42 je zmysel života, vesmíru a vôbec (Douglas Adams, Stopárov sprievodca po galaxii)
streda 28. apríla 2004
Beyond Megapixels - Part I
An 8 megapixel outputs a larger, higher resolution image than the 6 megapixel cameras and is therefore superior, right? Wrong. The people that buy into that argument are the same ones that purchase a 2.4ghz Pentium 4 instead of a 2.2ghz Athlon 64. That’s right fellow geeks, the “megahertz myth” is quite synonymous with what I shall refer to as the “megapixel myth.” ...Beyond Megapixels
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